
The Innovation Blog

The Lighter Side of Innovation

Posted by Creative Realities on November 16, 2010

Here at Creative Realities, Inc., we like to have fun. It's our mantra ("You get what you play for"), our cabinets are chock full of toys and pipe cleaners, and anyone who has ever worked with us knows what we mean when we say "bazooka".

So you can imagine my delight when I stumbled upon Tom Fishburne's Web site. Calling himself a "Marketoonist", he helps clients communicate their business through cartoons; as Fishburne believes, "[they] have a superhuman ability to break through the clutter."

He highlights brilliantly the flawed logic inherent in most management teams, especially those tasked with innovation development and execution. What I appreciate most about Fishburne's style is its brevity, sense of humor, and dead-on observations.

Below are some of my favorites:


This one resonates because Post-It(tm) notes are a staple in
any Creative Realities' session!


breakthroughShort-term thinking : Innovation::Kryptonite : Superman


blue sky thinkingI'm sure we've both heard these "categories" before.


toysWe bring toys too. And lots of them.


I encourage you to check out the site - Fishburne's cartoons go beyond innovation and cover everything from advertising and brand positioning, to design and sustainability, plus more.

As his site reads, "If a picture tells a thousand words, a cartoon tells a thousand boring PowerPoint slides." Well said, Tom, well said.

- Amanda Hines, Associate Business Innovationist, @amandaehines

Topics: Amanda Hines, Creating an Innovation Team, Innovation, growth, breakthrough, Management, execution